We went from a command-and-control organization to a TEAM ministry. In just over two years [our ministry] increased by 50% and I attribute a huge amount of that to this teaching.
Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack Ministries International
The following statistics are compiled from Barna Research and various other research organizations in the U.S.
1800 pastors leave the ministry every month.
40% of pastors will not be in ministry in 10 years.
15% of pastors contemplate leaving the ministry every Monday morning.
65% of pastors would leave their position for a similar paying position.
50% of pastors feel unable to meet the needs of the job.
80% believe that pastoral ministry (as they know it) has affected their family negatively.
40% of pastors will have an extramarital affair during their ministry career.
70% say they have lower self-esteem than when they started in ministry.
89% say they do not have the gift of leadership.
We Hear From Pastors & Leaders Frequently...
The following are those most frequently laments heard by the Institute from pastors all around the world.
1. “I’ve read all the books & listened to all the tapes vs: slogans saying laws theory hype… can you please just show me how to do it?”
2. “I’m frustrated, overwhelmed. I’m weary.”
3. “It seems like an endless cycle of busywork.”
4. “We seem to move forward & then…. it seems like chaos is the rule.”
5. “If I could just see my heart in them.”how to do it?”
6. "Where do I go from here?”how to do it?”
The following data is derived from Institute research & on-going coaching, counsel, and vision facilitation & strategic planning with pastors and CEOs.
Fact I
Most leaders are operating out of position, with an unprotected anointing, underachieving the vision, with a lack of intimacy with God & family, and no clarity on how to leave a legacy.
Fact II
Most leaders have so much needless chaos in their lives that they are distracted. As a result, they unable to face the facts, even avoiding them at great cost. Major opportunities are missed, and major mistakes made.
Fact III
Most do not lead. Most do not properly disciple, coach, teach, train and mentor those God has entrusted to them.
Fact IV
Most pastors retain less than 15% of those people God sends to their church, thereby losing God’s provision of sufficient leaders & financial resources to achieve His mandates.
My wife prayed all night that I would go to the Maximum CEO training the first time you were here. I refused to go because I was sick of leadership seminars that didn’t do anything for me - just more hype with little instruction on how to literally do the job.
I finally agreed to go; but on my way, I told my wife that “last night I wrote my letter of resignation” from the church we pastored. I was worn out from years of doing everything myself and seeing little progress. I was ready to quit.’
At that time, we had over 400 congregants and twenty-three acres of land which was paid off with architects’ elevations for a new building completed. But I wanted nothing to do with growth…
I refused to take the crises, chaos, and nonsense I was dealing with to a bigger place. It was already ruining my life and destroying my marriage and my family. The devil had stolen my vision.
But during the very first lesson of Maximum CEO, I received newfound hope and confidence. I studied the material and Dr. Radtke showed me how simple it was with the right methods, processes, and procedures this system provides.
We double in size almost immediately. This system works.
Today my wife and I have two broadcast tv programs; we have written multiple books; our church is rapidly growing and has multiple campuses; we lead three businesses and travel worldwide for our conference and build global mission efforts.
"Every year, I hold a global Maximum CEO Training event. I put a tremendous amount of new content in my teaching each year.
As the successful three-day event concluded each year, I would take a deep sigh of relief which lasted only a day at the most before I began to be concerned about the subsequent years event and video.
I had such a burden and compassion for God’s ministries and marketplace ministries as I knew, from my early career leadership experiences, the pain associated with lacking in the skill, art forms, and practical application ‘how to’ literally do the job.
God spoke to my spirit almost immediately after the event and said I want you to teach on discipleship. My thought was…. Ok I will do something for several hours or half a day. Then he rebuked me. He said again to my spirit… you are going around telling leaders that the system I taught has a strong discipleship component. That’s wrong! It is a discipleship system!! I want you to teach them how it is a discipleship system, and I will show you over the next year what you will teach for three days.
Many leaders didn’t show up and attend that year because they said, they knew all about discipleship. The ones that attended said it was way too much to comprehend. They bought the Discipler CEO and have had an amazing life and organizational results."
Dr. Dean Radtke
Institute Founder & CEO,
Scottsdale, AZ
“I heard Dr. Radtke speak at a business summit and was so impressed I bought all of the three products available at the time. I zealously went through a total of 49 lessons and then went through them with my executive team and we discussed each lesson: What did we learn? what will we need to change? what challenges will we face? What benefits will we achieve? Excitedly, they implemented the system in each division. Every employee went through the system and every new employee does the same the day their employment begins.
Today, I function as an invigorated and freed up CEO. I actually function almost as a chairman. I run the entire organization from essentially one ELT-Executive Leadership Team meeting once a week for 2-3 hours. Now each ELT member functions as a CEO of their own division, and they work together and support one another on issues and problems and turn them into opportunities. Some of them I only hear about after they are solved.
In the three years since I purchased the products our company doubles from 25 million, to 50 million in revenue. I’m a free man. I now spend several days every week assisting a number of ministries for God’s glory."
It is amazing to me how many organizations I have consulted with, and initially discovered, did not have a plan.
It is also amazing to me how few who did attempt to plan really do not know how. They did not succeed well because they did not know how to plan God’s way.
Some years back I videoed the original Maximum CEO for three days and had a lesson or two on strategic planning. Once again, The Lord directed me to teach on strategic planning this time for three entire days. They don’t know all that is involved, all fifteen steps, and they don’t know how to do it my way he spoke to my spirit. Let me tell you what I want you to teach them.
Teach them how I have taught you. Take the time to teach and watch what happens.
Dr. Dean Radtke
Institute Founder & CEO
Scottsdale, AZ
Paul Milligan, CEO
Corporate Entrepreneur, TX
“I have spent the last four decades building corporations with sales in excess of 100 million each. Recently I purchased your CEO library of Executive Resources. I am amazed at the quality of materials you have, made available. So many things that I learned on my journey have made available. So many things that I learned on my journey to building our companies you have so concisely articulated and so much more that I had not learned and wished I had. I want to help get this to as many as I can. This is God’s system. Everyone should have this system. You would not want to attempt to lead anything without this scriptural system.”
Andrew Wommack
Chairman AWMI/CBC
"This system has impacted me and my role and has enlarged our capability to achieve my vision and not limit GOD. We went from 40 million dollars in revenue to 63 million dollars in just a little over two years! I attribute a huge amount of that to Dr. Radtke and his ministry system... I highly recommend you get all his material."
Pastors Lucas & Krissy Milles
"It was recommended I call Dr. Radtke with the question my wife and I had. 'Could we continue to pastor our church and do all the rest God is calling us to do?' 'Yes of course,' was his answer, 'If you learn and implement God’s system with passion and zeal- you can do all God’s mandates!' Today We are leading the Church, writing books, producing movies, hosting media programs."
LT. Phillip Stephens US. Navy Chaplin
Norfolk, VA
"We are so excited! We have been thanking God for blessing us and answering our prayer, this material has really changed what we are going to be able to do here in Norfolk and beyond. What you said about Jesus training his disciples really resonated with me."
Pastor Danny Dillard LifeWay Church
Salisbury, NC
"I was blessed to be able to attend my first MAXIMUM CEO workshop the weekend before starting our church. As we began to implement the methods, systems, and processes, we saw immediate results and have continued to grow financially, numerically and spiritually for the past 23 years. We are currently in the process of expanding our facilities with a second debt free building! We give God all the glory and credit the invaluable training we have received through Dr. Radtke’s biblical leadership system."
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